Mrs. Hegwood has begun to decorate the rooms with sprigs of holly and other festive flora in light of the approaching holiday season. While I am not particularly fond of it, th

Mrs. Vincent has invited Mr. and Mrs. Hegwood and myself to a dinner party and ball on their estate to celebrate the holidays, and I am told all the best society will be in attendance that is to be found in Albany. Mrs. Hegwood has expressed a great interest in the “various eligible bachelors” that will supposedly be there as well, even some with titles on the line to be inherited, visiting from home.
Says she; “My dearest Emily, it would be good to divert your attentions to someone who you can rely upon, child.” To this, I could not help but respond, entirely shocked and offended; “Mrs. Hegwood, I would expect more of your good opinion towards the Doctor! You do me great injury as well as to him.” I of course, could say nothing more for I did in truth have no grounds to claim him attached to me, as much as I wanted to state it as fact. She said no more of the matter, but patted me on the cheek and gracefully moved to another subject. Her words, though, remained with me for quite some time, and I began to think perhaps she was correct, and to lay away my affection for the Doctor unmarred by disappointment and heartbreak in their happy memory and move away from pinning my hopes there.
Without our knowledge, Mr. Vincent had observed the entire exchange from just beyond the doorway of the parlor. If Mr. Hegwood had not happened upon him and let out a startled exclamation, who is to say how much more he would have heard? By now I fear he already knows more than I wished him to. The Doctor was to remain safe from Mr. Vincent, locked away in my heart, but now I am afraid he cannot be any longer. Mr. Vincent is a terribly perceptive and sharp man, and will find it all out in time.
After his abrupt entry into our company in the parlor, he bowed graciously to Mrs. Vincent, and greeted her and humbled himself in a most falsely sanguine manner, causing my blood to boil. As he addressed me I returned them with the shortest answers deemed polite and sufficient, before sitting at the furthest corner of the room from him, forsaking my place by the fire, and picked up the nearest book. He was not to be dissuaded, however, and insisted upon sitting beside me and engaging me in conversation. Mrs. Hegwood suddenly remembered something that needed her direct attention, and made haste from the parlor, dragging the hesitant and confused Mr. Hegwood behind her. Mr. Hegwood turned to look at me over his shoulder as he was pulled from the room, and my eyes begged him to stay, but Mrs. Hegwood would allow no such thing, and forcefully bade him come away with tugs, looks, and threats.
Mr. Vincent watched them go, pausing in his barrage of dull questions and comments to hear the footsteps fade away from earshot, before wiping the gentle and amiable expression clear off of his face and donning his natural state, before turning back to me with a haughty sneer. “So, Miss Waterman, w

It has been two days since, and I have heard nothing from him, and am gentling a hope into existence that he has gone from me for good, and I have succeeded at last. Mrs. Vincent must be entirely unaware of the exchange, for she has continued to amuse Mrs. Hegwood, and the invitation has not been revoked. Mr. Hegwood since that day, has begun to take a closer interest in my safety, and I believe he has made an acute observation of Mr. Vincent’s effect on me, and has taken pains to remain in my presence as often as he can. If I could thank him without him knowing of Mr. Vincent’s previous conduct, I would wash over him the kindest expressions of gratitude I know. Instead, I provide for him as much amusement and entertainment as I can, and he seems contended enough with that. He reminds me very much of my dear Papa, and I shall endeavor to be the best to him as his own natural daughter could be.
There is still no letter yet from the Doctor, but Mr. Hegwood assures me that he should be safe in England soon enough.