SHALL not fabricate excuses or plead constant diversions through the past handful of months, and state only in my most truthful way; I had entirely given up writing and all of its good it would do me. Though I suppose I cannot be wholly to blame, for not only had the desire completely left me, I did find myself constantly engaged in some task or another, and traveling all about the country with Mr. Hegwood and Abigail for sake of his constant business with the American troops scattered along the frontier, and at times the Doctor for the sake of pleasure. This war, though confusing and distressing to me in where my loyalties should lie in respects with my new family and my new duties to the Hegwoods as such, has provided me with scenes never before imagined in my sheltered mind. This countryside is truly magnificent, and not even the weather could put me off my enjoyment for too long. I shall attempt, in the spirit of brevity, to recount what I have enjoyed since last I picked up this diary.
June was rather devoid of company, I had only the beginning of the month with a trip to Locust Grove, well into the Kentucky territory, bordering Ohio, where Mr. Hegwood had business and where also I was privileged once more in seeing the Doctor discuss his skills with interested parties. I have seen it enough times at this point, to give the speech myself, but I still delight so in watching him amuse his guests.
At Cragfont, home of General Winchester |
Later that month General Winchester here in our state of Tennessee hosted a garden party on his lovely estate, and fun was had by all, though it rained and was less than pleasant the entire day. Some of us read poems and pieces from Shakespeare whilst others amused us by singing. I discovered Mrs. Gatliff has a truly lovely singing voice.
July brought a trip to Corydon, Indiana, where again I was requested to go thither with Mr. Hegwood, who finding it necessary to have an attorney closer to his new home in Tennessee set forth in retaining one he had heard a general good account of.
At Corydon |
It was a very hot weekend, almost unbearable, and luckily for us, the Doctor was retained as well by Mr. Hegwood, who knowing July to be very warm in America, spared no expense on my health and safety.
On the lawn at Locust Grove |
His business was conducted in a short time, and from there we travelled immediately to Locust Grove again, where quite a festival happened every year, and I was very excited to attend, though again it was quite warm and at one point I fear I did succumb to the heat whilst in my riding costume. The ball the evening of was less than I had hoped in regards to enjoyment, but it is never a bad thing to dress in ones finest and be seen by all.
With the Doctor and his two eldest daughters at the ball. |
The Doctor was much attentive to me the course of the weekend, which I quite took pleasure in, as there is always a grand number of ladies vying for his attention, and sometimes I feel quite swallowed up in them and forgot.
August brought a reprieve for us all, and boasted only one party held at Rock Castle, very near to us; not but a half an hours carriage ride. General Daniel Smith, always very obliging of a host, made sure to have a pleasing gathering for us all, and quite a sophisticated Garden Party I did not think possible so far from the society of England, but I was happily surprised.
The attendees at the Garden Party at Rock Castle |
Though I was not entirely recovered from a recent cold, I was determined to go, and not at all sorry for it. Many friends arrived, and some new acquaintances were formed.
September I do not believe was spent ONCE at the Plantation at all, which was for the best as the finishing construction was to take place and there truly was no room for us in the slightest to be free of perpetual inconvenience. The first weekend found us gleefully at the Fair at New Boston, where I eagerly anticipated the arrival of my dearest and most beloved cousin Lady Georgiana Sully and Sir Thomas, accompanied by their good friends Captain and Mrs. Cartwright, who I was delighted to have the opportunity of knowing better. Though the weather was in no way hospitable, (Saturday was wretchedly hot and Sunday stormed) It did not diminish my pleasure at shopping and being with dear Georgiana. Even the Doctor could not distract me from their company, and added to the ever delightful company of Mrs. and Mr. Cooper, and the introduction to the ever lovely and sweet Ms. Bosworth, I was quite at my leisure to enjoy myself.
The Ladies from the Archery Competition |
From Ohio and the fair, we traveled immediately to the Farnsley-Morman Estate upon the Ohio River in Kentucky for the anniversary event of my meeting the Doctor, and all the dear friends who have kept me so pleasantly happy since I have been in America. I once again competed in Archery, (though did not perform nearly as well as last year), enjoyed tea with all of my good friends and even felt so sentimental as to toast their health, and give them my sincerest thanks for their unwavering kindness to me. Mr. and Mrs. Tumbusch hosted a small country dance in the evening which we all took pleasure in. That weekend, as well, rained for the better part, though when the sun did appear it made it quite fine. Again, Mr. Hegwood was required to conduct his business in the military quarter, and our tour continued to Indiana once more, where we spent a very soggy though no less pleasant weekend at the Muster on the Wabash.
A tea and discussion of Ladies Fashion |
There I was introduced by the wonderful Mrs. Cooper to the equally charming Mrs. Birkenbach and the wonderfully sly and witty Mrs. Burns, in whose company I was very pleased. We stayed only one day, as the rain was too much on Sunday to get anything accomplished.
October brought in its first weekend an opportunity for me to venture without Mr. and Mrs. Hegwood, and only myself and Abigail as the Doctor invited me particularly to accompany him to spend a lovely weekend with mutual dear friends, the Tumbusches whilst he gave yet another demonstration to their club of interested friends and acquaintances. Because it was a rather special instance, and because it provided an opportunity of interacting with the Doctor uninterrupted and without distraction, I had a new suit of warm weather clothes made up, including a burgundy wool pelisse made up with a military style and a new fashionable hat to match, with black accents. I believe it did the trick, if not securing him to me forever, of amusing him in the fact that I preened and fussed all the time there. From there we travelled immediately to Indiana once more for a great gathering at Mississinewa. I had previously thought the Fair at New Boston great, until the moment I arrived on the grounds of this event. There was almost too much to behold, and I am sure I spent my entire year's allowance in the first day, but I had been so good at so purchase very little at any of the other festivals I attended previously to somehow im my mind make up for my extravagances. I saw very little of the Doctor the majority of the weekend, as he was....engaged elsewhere, and I was enjoying too much my new intimate friend, Ms. Bosworth, in whose attendance I cannot perceive any disappointments. Mrs. Cooper, always a favorite of mine, and the Mrs. B's, as well as Mrs. Fast were also such cheering company as to hardly feel the absence of the Doctor. Saturday night I discovered I was invited to a supper with Lady Harmon and her wonderful husband. I had never before experienced such delights as dining Al Fresco in a wonderfully grand tent! Lady Harmon spared no expense, and we all were attended to very well, and the company was made of Myself, The Harmons, The Doctor, Mr. Ramsey ( a good friend of the Doctor's) and the Coopers. Our conversation was lively and refreshing, and I felt very fine stepping into the ball, which was little more than a country dance, but was amusing regardless. I danced only one dance with a quiet American Solider, a Mr. Achenbaur, and it was as very merry reel indeed. We retired early, however, as all were exhausted, as to fully enjoy Sunday's diversion.
From Indiana, we finally made our long travel home, and I was received at the Plantation with tears and boisterous cheers for welcome, and I confess I was truly pleased to be home again. The Doctor was bid rest at the plantation as long as he needed before traveling himself home, and he took the opportunity to do so, and Mr. Hegwood took the opportunity in showing him the newly finished House.
The First Floor |
I myself partook in that pleasure, and awed over the work that had been done in our long absences. It was a rather grander house than I had anticipated, with a lovely brick exterior upon the front in a fashionable Flemish Bond, the rest being stone, and second story balcony from the modest ballroom facing the front drive. The exterior was rather plain still, but the shutters were fashionably painted a crisp white, and the front step clean and simple with the large front doors painted to match our shutters. The same front doors opened to wide and breezy front room ready to receive even the highest of guests, with a door immediately to the back leading to a soon-to-be constructed back porch. To the left was the door leading to the family wing, and to the right the guest wing. Our familial wing hosted three bedrooms, the private breakfast room and informal dining space where we shall take our meals without guests, music room, and small parlor that faced the front of the house so as to allow observation for Mrs. Hegwood and I to observe when guests may arrive. Mr. Hegwoods library and adjoining study were opposite the hall, and allowed him a view of the acreage that would turn into his planned pastures for the breeding of his horses. In the guest wing it boasted three more bedrooms, the dining room, a grand expense indeed, the drawing room, the finer parlor room, and adjoining the dining room by solid french doors was the guest breakfast room.
The Second Floor |
One separate staircases lead from the family's amusement rooms to the bedrooms above, a second in its exact image in the guest quarters, and a back staircase that lead from the servants corridor from the kitchen to the ballroom and into the dining room's pantry for our more formal dinner services. A set of moderate french doors on each wall led one to the guest wing and the other to the family rooms. An open hallway with no walls leads from the corridor next to the informal dining space in the family quarters to the large kitchen, which above it hosts the servants quarters. The house only wants now for furnishings which we shall wait upon from the Hegwood Estate in Albany, and in papers for the wall and paint. The Doctor was put up in the extra bedroom in the family wing, as it was foolish to put him up in the guest quarters with only him to chase off the quiet and cold of an empty wing, as well as the fact the room itself was designed with him solely in mind. He stayed only one day before returning to his own home, to be with his long missed children and to attend his business so long neglected by pleasure.
In my absence, Autumn has taken hold of the country, and the many beautiful trees of varying breeds upon our property have begun to slowly take on their October colors. The weather so far has been so fine that I have taken to writing my correspondence out of doors beneath the tree which is so happily situated within view of Mr. Hegwood's library, thus including the pastures-to-be were I to look in the opposite direction of his window. Mr. Hegwood must know me full well, for whilst gone he requested a comfortable seating arrangement in the form of a bench with pillows, and a table in which to set my things to be installed just so, for when spring comes, I shall spend my time watching the foals gambol about and cause mischief. Though it has been a negligible amount of days since last seeing and communicating with the Doctor, I was so used to spending time in his company I have found myself feeling rather devoid without the conversation. For that matter, of any of my friends. I have sent out a number of letters reaching out for my companions to aide me through this soon to be long lonely winter, and I hope they rally and spare me the loneliness the season can bring.