September 28, 1812

most exciting letter arrived today from the Doctor as if reading my very thoughts. To my initial disappointment, it was a very brief letter, a bit unlike him, and looked as though it had been squeezed onto a spare bit of paper next to a very fascinating sketch. However, this time I was not distracted by what was around the content of his letter, for all my focus was on the wonderful news he presented me. The Doctor is journeying north to New York for business and has informed me that he will be breaking his journey with the Hegwoods for a time! He also informed me that whilst he is in New York he plans to attend a great ball to be held here in honor of the Congress of Vienna! How surprised was I to discover his interest in such a festive and social gathering. I was quite taken aback as he also requested my company whilst in attendance at the ball! I fear my cheeks began to burn instantly at the thought, and I glanced up to notice Mrs. Hegwood watching me as I poured over the letter during breakfast, and was entirely unable to hide my excitement. When I finally put the letter down after reading it over at least three times, my smile giving me away entirely, Mrs. Hegwood clapped her hands together and broke into such a fit of uproarious laughter I never heard, and could only watch her dumbfounded.

I later discovered from her that the Doctor had written ahead to Mr. Hegwood for permission to dine with us and then for my company at the ball. Of course Mr. Hegwood accepted with great pleasure, and Mrs. Hegwood begged it to be a secret until the Doctor write me himself. What wretched teases they are! It finally shines a light on their various bouts of laughter after passing looks and dare I even hazard winks back and forth for the past week.

Regardless, I could not be more excited for the Doctor's approaching arrival, and will be pleased by the change of company in this oft empty feeling home. I have written immediately to the Doctor accepting his request of my company most happily and greatfully, and hope that he receives it before his arrival. I do not wish for him to think I have disregarded his most flattering offer, and am honored to accept, as I told him.

Mrs. Hegwood is nearly breaking down my door in the most polite manner possible, as she is most desirous to once again venture out and spend yet more money in the efforts to dress out myself for the new occasion. cannot say I am not excited for the prospect, I feel now I have someone else to take into consideration whilst choosing my frocks and hats.

Dear me, am I warming toward the Doctor?

1 comment:

  1. I think, my dear, that I should be very interested in seeing the sketches I included in your letter. It would seem that I have neglected to make copies of some of the more important notes here for myself... and might need some of them for future reference.

    Yr Obt Svt &c.
